Nancy Chen, MPH

Portrait image of Nancy Chen

Position Title
PhD Student

  • UC Davis Graduate Group in Epidemiology

Nancy Chen earned her BS in public health from the University of Washington in 2017 and her MPH in epidemiology at UCLA in 2019. Her career has been marked by a series of impactful roles, including clinical research at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, where she honed her skills in epidemiology and SAS programming. She then served as an epidemiologist at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, contributing to COVID-19 public health initiatives. Her expertise also extends to data visualization, as she worked as a data analyst for the California Department of Healthcare Access and Information. Currently, she is a PhD student in epidemiology at UC Davis, where she is engaged in research focusing on the intricate connections between subjective cognition and objective cognition in the context of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease among diverse populations. Outside of lab, she enjoys reading and cooking.